Welcome to David’s Parrot Care.

Hi, I'm David! I know how hard it can be to leave your parrot behind when you have to travel. That's why I started my business – to give pet owners like you some peace of mind. I absolutely love taking care of parrots, and I promise to give your pet all the love and attention it needs while you're away. If you're interested in having me take care of your parrot, just let me know. I'd be happy to help make your life a little bit easier.

Meet the Team

  • Owner and Operator

Hey there! I'm David, and I'm a parrot enthusiast. I've been passionate about these amazing creatures since I was 12 years old, when I met our neighbors' cockatiel, Chirpy. I fell in love with him and, for my birthday that year, my parents got me my own little parakeet, Kozmo.

As I grew older, I stayed involved in the avian world. I learned a lot about parrot husbandry when I worked as a bird rescuer for 10 years in Chicago, and I even earned my Certification in Avian Behavior. I've taken care of every type of bird you can imagine, from Blue and Gold Macaws to African Greys to Umbrella Cockatoos. I've also worked in several bird stores in the Chicagoland area, so I know a thing or two about taking care of these amazing creatures.

When I moved to Chicago in 2015, I noticed that there weren't many options for people who needed someone to take care of their parrots while they were out of town. So, in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic, I decided to turn my hobby and passion into a business and launched David's Parrot Care. I'm proud to bring my years of experience to help you and your pet when you need it.

In the last two years, I've taken care of nearly 100 parrots and 30 parrot owners. My goal is to make life easy for you and your pet. If you need someone to take care of your parrot while you're out of town or just need a break, give me a call. I'd be happy to help!

  • Bird Care Associate

Hi! My name is Michaela and I’m excited to join David’s Parrot Care! I’ve loved parrots ever since my dad brought home a cockatiel and gradually turned our home into an aviary – complete with a diverse flock consisting of canaries, finches, green cheeked conures, and an alexandrine parakeet.

After finishing college and moving to Chicago, I was presented with the opportunity to take care of my very own parrot when my dad asked if I’d like to adopt his 8-year-old green cheeked conure, Green Bean. Once I was settled, I took her in and quickly learned what pellets I should be feeding her, how to make parrot chop, and the basic principles of trick training. Soon thereafter, I adopted my second green cheek – a 4-year-old rehome named Paris. Caring for him has been immensely fulfilling. I’ve watched him transform from a bird that bites (and bites hard) to a bird that uses his beak to communicate. My little flock means the world to me, and I would love to have your bird(s) as honorary members.

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